Tandem Chillers
Modular Chillers
Tandem Chillers Inc. manufactures the only true modular chilling system – where it is possible to remove, service or replace individual components without shutting down the balance of the system – all in the space of a few hours.
Benefits of Modular Chillers
- Built in Redundancy
- More Efficient
- Excellent Applications for hospitals, data centers, and industrial
Ideal for the Following Situations
- When accessibility and space are restricted
- When expansion is inevitable
- When large cooling capacities and uninterrupted operation are required
Product Features
All of our COMPACT water cooled and glycol cooled condenser chillers have been designed to be removed from the group of chillers in less than one hour, without interrupting your operating chilled water system, chilled water flow, tower water flow and electrical power.
It allows you to make the choice when to do service or maintenance, not the time of year.
We have built in slots in the bottom frame front and back that allows you to lift the chiller up and roll it out on a 1” diameter round bar or water pipe.
We do not offer built in strainers that are require shutting down of the chilled water or tower water systems and removing of the piping to remove the filters. We recommend and offer inline strainers that can be cleaned in a matter of minutes with minimal interruption the chilling system.
Our exclusive “intelligent chiller control system” gives us the most powerful control system available for our chillers. We are able to give years of trouble-free operation without false trips, and the chiller alarms problems before major damage can happen. The control system time the starts of all the compressors in the group to minimize inrush current, lead – lags the compressor on both a first in – first and on a run time basis to equalize run times, sets minimum run and off times to prevent shot cycling of compressors, it communicates all run and fail conditions in English back to the remote master and on to the BMS over BacNET IP, BacNET MSTP, Modbus or Lonworks.
Product Standards
All chillers have been tested and evaluated to the following standards: CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 236/ UL 1995 3rd Edition 2005 Heating and Cooling Equipment.
Learn More
To help you decide if a modular chiller is the right solution for your particular situation please read Tandem’s article on Air Conditioning Systems Using Modular Chillers.